Swamy's Book Reviews

This blog will hold all the book reviews, including those which were earlier posted at www.blether.com That site has been closed and so I am keeping all those reviews here so that a prospective author/publisher and a publicist can decide whether I am a suitable reviewer for the book they are trying to promote. My latest reviews are also being uploaded here.

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Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I am a Physicist, a Metallurgist and a Quality Management Professional, an Author, Editor and Reviewer. I review books mostly on Science Fiction, Management, Spirituality, Children's Fiction, Health etc. My reviews appear at Amazon, Shelfari, Bookpleasures and some Yahoo Groups.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Beyond the Broken Gate

Beyond the Broken Gate
by Charles Graybar

Published by Serenity Hill Press

Category: Non-fiction / Self-help
360 pages; ISBN: 0974062522

Rating: 8/10


"Beyond the Broken Gate - An Ordinary Man's Extraordinary Journey In Learning Who We Are, Why We Live, And Where We're Going" by Charles Graybar is a Spiritual book. The author had questions which trouble many seekers, viz., what is the purpose of life, where are we going spiritually etc., and got answers from advanced spirit guides. In about 360 pages, Charles or Chuck as he is referred to in the book, shares with us his extraordinary journey into some advanced spiritual realms and the answers that he got. Obviously his spiritual encounters have affected his career and personal life very extensively, so that his prsent life is in better tune with the original purpose.

To many westerners, the ideas presented in the book may be new and may thus challenge their beliefs. To eastern believers, much of what Chuck describes is already known. The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita and of course Buddhist teachings (which Chuck is aware of slightly), present similar teachings. However, his attempt at explaining esoteric concepts is laudable and will appeal better to the 'rational' minds. Chauck comes through as an extraordinary man. In fact, since each individual is unique, no one is really ordinary.

There is an interesting perceptional block in Chuck's understanding. While agreeing that the life on earth plane is similar to a dream and thus all events that take place here, good or bad have no real significance in the higher planes, except for their value as educational lessons, Chuck is still distressed about the negative atmosphere prevailing on earth in his life time. Chuck seems to have missed one important spiritual lesson that life has several cycles and the world too goes through several cycles of war and peace. A great war always cleans up the atmosphere and love, peace etc. start growing. But again as the decay keeps piling up, as the negativity keeps building, another war or earthquake, a flood or some other natural disaster comes up. In Hindu philosophy the Trinity of Creator, Preserver and Destroyer are three different aspects of the same Source. Much before the Crusades and the World Wars, two major wars were described in detail in Ramayana and Mahabharatha. But since Chuck's lessons to be learnt include compassion, empathy etc., his feelings are as per the programmed script.

The book has a fair number of editorial glitches, but thankfully the message comes through quite well. The book is strongly recommended to all spiritual seekers.


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