Swamy's Book Reviews

This blog will hold all the book reviews, including those which were earlier posted at www.blether.com That site has been closed and so I am keeping all those reviews here so that a prospective author/publisher and a publicist can decide whether I am a suitable reviewer for the book they are trying to promote. My latest reviews are also being uploaded here.

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Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I am a Physicist, a Metallurgist and a Quality Management Professional, an Author, Editor and Reviewer. I review books mostly on Science Fiction, Management, Spirituality, Children's Fiction, Health etc. My reviews appear at Amazon, Shelfari, Bookpleasures and some Yahoo Groups.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Principled Profit

Title: Principled Profit
Author: Shel Horowitz
Published by AWM Books

Category: Non-fiction / Self-help
160 pages; ISBN: 0-9614666-6-9

Rating: 9/10


'Principled Profit' by Shel Horowitz is an excellent book on ethical marketing, abundance mindset and other innovative ideas. They are innovative from the typical materialistically oriented, aggressive, 'If You Win I Must Have Lost' perspective. It may or may not appeal to the typical A-type (Ambitious, Aggressive and often Angry) pusher, but it will certainly open the mental doors to a different and more efficient ball-game of marketing. Instead of the Win-Lose mentality, it talks consistently of Win-Win situations and gives plenty of examples.

The book is a comprehensive tour of ethical marketing, where the marketer is a partner of the client right through. And where 'There Is Enough For Everyone' is the recurring concept. Cooperation is more efficient than competition, and competition should be a friendly 'I Help You - You Help Me - Together Let Us Build A Better World For All' is the key theme in this small but great book.

Unlike many 'professional' reviewers, I do read through the book carefully, though it takes a lot of time and effort, since basically I am a book-lover. So, I can't but help notice editorial or style problems, spelling and grammatical errors etc. I do make notes of them as I read, in the book's margins. I also note down some very good points which strike a resonative Aha in my mind. I am happy to report that Shel's book had very few adverse notes when I finished reading and several 'good', 'excellent' etc., comments spattered through out.

Chapter 18 is the best chapter in the book and will give you a gist of the whole book. So read that short chapter first apart from this and many other reviews/endorsements in the beginning of the book, so that you can decide whether the book is for you or not. The "Resources' at the end of the book and the Index add value to the book.

If you are in any way connected with marketing of a product or service, this book is definitely for you. Even if you are not directly involved in marketing of anything, since you need to market yourself without selling your 'self', PRINCIPLED PROFIT will give you several ideas.

My score for this book is 9/10 and rating for this book is 'Excellent'.


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