Swamy's Book Reviews

This blog will hold all the book reviews, including those which were earlier posted at www.blether.com That site has been closed and so I am keeping all those reviews here so that a prospective author/publisher and a publicist can decide whether I am a suitable reviewer for the book they are trying to promote. My latest reviews are also being uploaded here.

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Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I am a Physicist, a Metallurgist and a Quality Management Professional, an Author, Editor and Reviewer. I review books mostly on Science Fiction, Management, Spirituality, Children's Fiction, Health etc. My reviews appear at Amazon, Shelfari, Bookpleasures and some Yahoo Groups.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Eternal Treblinka

Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust
by Charles Patterson, Ph.D

Category: Non-fiction / General
312 pages; ISBN: 1-930051-99-9

Rating: 8/10


"Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust" by Charles Patterson is a touching, moving indictment of the cruelty of man to fellow men and to animals. The holocaust (mass murder of Jews during Second World War) is aptly compared to the daily slaughter of millions of animals. Charles, through Nobel Laureate I.B.Singer, whose works he quotes extensively, makes a strong case for veganism (strict form of vegetarianism excluding milk, yoghurt, cheese, honey and other animal products). In the case of most of the vegetarians and vegans in America and Europe, it is an acquired food habit out of their sympathy to animals, on the ground that man has no right to kill an animal, which can feel pain, for his living. The reviewer, on the other hand, is a born vegetarian (Indian culture accepts milk and milk products, honey etc. as acceptable food, but also requires that all food should first be purified by offering it to God before being consumed). Thus many of the arguments given are a part of belief system in India.

However, the reviewer hopes that the author extends his sympathy to insects and plants, who apparently don't feel pain. They do feel pain and alas, lack the organs to express the pain. The experiments of scientists like Sir J.C.Bose and others proved that conclusively. Thus the indiscriminate exploitation of vegetable sources and the slaughter of many 'lesser brethren' for our survival is also to be condemned.

It is a fact that in the food chain, each living organisam depends on another living organism for its survival. Plants and bacteria etc., depend upon the nutrients in the soil, water and sunlight for their survival. Animals depend upon other animals and or plants. Thus interdependency of the living organisms in the ecosphere is inevitable. What is unpardonable is wanton, mindless cruelty on the ground that might is right. In that regard, man who considers himself the most intelligent of God's creations, has the maximum responsibility to protect the other animals, plants etc., that is the nature. The present mindless exploitation of planet earth is like a monkey trying to cut down the very branch on which it is perched or trying to burn down the house which gives it shelter. To that extent, man has not really evolved fully.

The book is well written and holds the reader's attention well. Some of the descriptions of animal and human torture are rather vividly portrayed and squeamish readers may get distressed. The book is well researched and is also a good sourece for further reading and gives the reader many leads.

Whether the readers will be converted to veganism is another matter. Human minds have a great knack of repressing unpleasant thoughts and rationalising all actions. However, the book will certainly appeal to animal lovers and animal/human rights activists.

The concept of Karma, is probably new to the author and the other protagonists cited in the book. Many of the animals killed would have been born as Nazis and would have taken their revenge against the Jews. And who knows, the victims would have been born as Muslims and may be taking revenge against the Americans and Europeans. The Universe of God has enormous patience to balance the karmic books of all.

The reviewer does not share Singer's vision of God that is portrayed in the book as a malicious, vicious, self centered being indifferent to the plight of the animals. This perception of God is highly colored and is arising out of a limited perception. If God is the creator of all and also dwells in all, who is the killer and who is the killed? As per Hindu Philosophy, the whole life is a constant Yagna, Sacrifice. The concept of ritualistic sacrifice is not limited to Judaism or Islam. The animal sacrifice is an external symbol of the sacrifice of the ego. Having said that, the reviewer too shares the anguish of the author about the needless torture inflicted on fellow creatures.

The book is strongly recommended and will hopefully convert many readers to a life of compassion and love to fellow brethren of God's creation. Readers of this book may also be interested to check out "Hatred - The Psychological Descent into Violence" by Willard Gaylin, PublicAffairs, 2003, Review by S. V. Swamy on April 12th 2004 - Review at



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