Swamy's Book Reviews

This blog will hold all the book reviews, including those which were earlier posted at www.blether.com That site has been closed and so I am keeping all those reviews here so that a prospective author/publisher and a publicist can decide whether I am a suitable reviewer for the book they are trying to promote. My latest reviews are also being uploaded here.

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Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

I am a Physicist, a Metallurgist and a Quality Management Professional, an Author, Editor and Reviewer. I review books mostly on Science Fiction, Management, Spirituality, Children's Fiction, Health etc. My reviews appear at Amazon, Shelfari, Bookpleasures and some Yahoo Groups.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Sacred Union - The Journey Home

Title: Sacred Union - The Journey Home
Authors: Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa
Publisher: Robert D.Reed Publishers

Category: Non-fiction / Religion
164 pages; ISBN: 1-931741-33-6

Rating: 9/10

Sacred Union - The Journey Home, by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa, their official, spiritual and legal names, is an extraordinary book. The book is really dangerous, beware! It will change your outlook for the rest of your life. Anyway don't worry. Nothing happens by chance. If you are reading this book review and then buy the book, you are ready. To go on board a vessel that would take you on your most important journey ever undertaken by you, viz., to discover your true authentic self.

In eleven chapters, spread over 4 sections, the two authors and their spiritual friend, philosopher and guide, Archangel Zadkiel, Kiel for friends like us, reaffirm many of the spiritual truths. The journey home is simply a change in the direction, turning towards our real self and seeing our ego to be what it is, our shadow, which we have been following. When we turn towards light, the shadow goes behind us and thus follows us, not leading us! We truly become Masters and become fit to help other souls when they are ready. We accept every soul as divine since it contains the same essential divine spark as all of us. There is nothing which is not divine, which is not perfect. Even the worst, ugliest thing in the world has a role to play, if nothing else, to remind us that both Good and Evil, Beautiful and Ugly are the two faces of a coin and knowing that every coin has two sides is the Sacred Union.

Through Kira Raa's mouth and recorded by Sri Ram Kaa, Archangel Zadkiel, (OK, OK, I understand that you want to be referred as Kiel), guides the reader gently, lovingly and yet firmly, to the truth. And the message that comes through is clear: trust, trust in your true authentic self. If doubts come, ask yourself, does it give joy? If yes, do it. If not, don't. Simple isn't it? The joy that Kiel is referring to is not the temporary pleasure of sensual nature. Joy is Bliss, it is eternal.

The concepts brought out in the book are not really new or revolutionary. But that doesn't detract any thing from the value of the book. The truth needs to be retold everytime and it has been told beautifully, sincerely and at places movingly. The book touched me to the core of my heart at places and made me cry. We all feel the pain of separation, separation from the beloved, which is our true Self.

And the Sacred Union is not just Sexual Union, though Sexual Union too could lead to the Sacred Union. In Sanskrit, the word Yoga is the closest to what Sri Ram Kaa, Kira Raa and Kiel are trying to convey. Yoga is related to Yoke, the cross bar that makes two oxen to go in unison to plough the field. Thus Yoga unifies two. Sacred Union, like marriage, also unifies two bodies and souls into one or makes the individual ego-soul one with the Higher Self from which it emanated.

If you are interested in spirituality, if you are
interested in the journey of self-discovery, and if you are ready to undertake a journey which can only end in the 'death' or 'dissolution' of 'you' (ego), go ahead and buy the book. Read and re-read. Follow the diet etc., if moved by heart. Do the exercises given as Appendix.

Kiel promised to give more information in the coming years and it is earnestly hoped that I will get an opportunity to review those books also.

The book has been printed well, with few errors. Kiel seems to be rather old fashioned in his english! But the message is always more important than the messenger.

I heartily recommend this book for true seekers.



I am an independent book reviewer in India. Though I consider himself to be spiritually oriented, I am not a Sanyasi or Monk. I got my name from a well know Hindu Deity, Venkateswara Swamy, of Tirumala Tirupati. It is the custom in Hindu families, to name the children after Gods and Goddesses, with the hope that they do work to get the qualities of that God or Goddess.


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